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Agriculture, forestry and fishing

Grow your career

South Australia produces world-class food and wine, including a wide range of food and fibre products used here and around the world.

Innovation is transforming the sector, changing how products are produced, creating new jobs and businesses supporting agriculture.

Could the agriculture, forestry and fishing industry have the career you are looking for?

The landscape

Snapshot of a thriving sector

Innovative products and technology built on artificial intelligence, supercomputing and automation, and advancements in biotechnology provide a range of benefits to the sector.

The workplace environment has changed notably due to the continued aggregation of farms, adoption of new advanced agricultural technology, including labour saving devices and a range of technologies.

Arrow shapes

Your career starts with you

To find occupations of interest, the best place to start is by asking yourself. What interests you or makes you curious? What are you good at? The answers to these questions can often uncover your best starting point.

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