Get ready for the world of work while at school
VET for school students
Vocational Education and Training (VET) can help you make a start towards your career while you're still in school.
In South Australia, there are many ways you can do VET while at school.
We can support you to start your VET pathway while in school to help you build skills that can lead to further training or a job.
VET for School Students combines a VET course with your South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) program and there are many courses available that the South Australian Government partly pay for. These courses are referred to as subsidised training.
Get started
There are many ways you can access VET as part of your SACE during Years 10, 11 and 12. One way is through participating in a course offered as part of your school's Flexible Industry Programs (FIPs).
If VET sounds like an option that could get you closer to reaching your goals, have a chat with your school's VET Coordinator to figure out the best way to get started.

Study at a Technical College
A head start to a hands-on career.
Learn in brand new, purpose-built facilities while completing training programs developed with industry partners.
The new technical colleges have been designed to give senior high school students a head start in building their future while completing their SACE.

Erin's story
Find out how Erin followed her dream of becoming a chef by combining school with VET.
"My parents are really happy that I’m doing the apprenticeship and that I’m still getting my SACE.
I feel like I’m getting a head start by doing it while I’m still in school."