Your future starts here
There’s nothing like feeling ready to succeed with the right information and tools.
From the first day of your traineeship or apprenticeship to the day you receive your completion notice or Trade Certificate, you should feel informed and empowered to succeed.
Step-by-step guide to success
Decided that an apprenticeship or traineeship is right for you, but don’t know where to start? Just follow these steps.
Find the course that matches your occupation
Now that you know the types of jobs that interest you, it’s time to find out what course is going to be best to build the skills you’ll need to kick-start your career.
There’s no need to enrol at this point. But it’s a great idea to have the course or qualification in mind — this is needed for your Training Contract (Step 4).
The South Australian Government have pitched in to provide some courses for free or at a lower cost to you.
Explore training providers
If your course is delivered by a training provider that can deliver on the capabilities required for your qualification, speak with your employer and ‘nominate’ them when developing your Training Contract (Step 4).
Find an employer
It’s time to find an employer who is willing to take you onboard. This is a very important part of the process.
You have two options.
1. Find an employer yourself
- Speak with friends, family or local businesses and do some online research.
- Your training provider may have a list of employers ready and willing to take on new apprentices or trainees.
- You can also search for an employer by name or more broadly by vocation on the Register of Approved Employers – Apprenticeships and Traineeships.
Found an employer willing to take you on but not registered? They can apply using our self-registration here.
2. Ask a Group Training Organisation (GTO) to take care of this
Your GTO gives you the opportunity to work somewhere without that place needing to directly employ you. This is called a host arrangement and it means you are employed by the GTO and contracted out to a business.
This can be a great, low-stress option because:
- your GTO will find a host employer for you
- if you need to change host employers during your traineeship or apprenticeship, your GTO can organise a new host employer for you
- sometimes a field of work or particular occupation means you’ll need to work with multiple hosts during your training — again, your GTO can sort this all out for you
Develop your Training Contract
What’s a Training Contract?
Your Training Contract is a legal agreement at the heart of your apprenticeship or traineeship.
It’s a formal agreement made between you and your employer that sets out important information about your traineeship or apprenticeship.
Because it’s a legal document, it’s binding. This means the things agreed in this document need to be done by both you and your employer.
Your Training Contract is there to protect both you and your employer, making sure you both get what you agreed to.
How to make a Training Contract
You and your employer will need to speak with an Apprentice Network Provider (ANP) who will manage the whole process.
There are two ANPs contracted to work in South Australia:
- MAS National - 1300 627 628
- MEGT – 136 348
You or your employer will need to:
- nominate a training provider
- provide information on your course / qualification
- decide on your wage (your ANP can assist)
- state your hours (part-time or full-time) and
- confirm approval from your school (VET in high school learners only)
Both you and your employer need to sign the contract before it is lodged by the ANP with Skills SA.
What to expect next
Almost there! But what happens after your sign your Training Contract? What's involved in an upfront assessment and what's a Training Plan?
Start your traineeship or apprenticeship
You can begin your on-job training from the moment you and your employer sign your Training Contract (even before it’s formally approved).
If your traineeship or apprenticeship is school based, your school will need to be involved in this conversation. If you are under 18 your parent/guardian will need to be involved in this conversation.
Develop your Training Plan
Your training provider will develop your Training Plan.
- When you chose a training provider, they will have 30 days (from the date your Training Contract is lodged) to accept your request. This is formally called a nomination.
- Once they’ve accepted your request, your training provider has 28 days to work with you and your employer to create a Training Plan that suits your Training Contract (and that considers any requests for Credit Transfer or Recognition of Prior Learning).
Your training provider will then review your Training Plan every six months to make sure that the skills you’re learning match with the needs of your qualification.
Your training provider will take into consideration any changes to you or your employer's circumstances that could be making it difficult to develop the skills you need and will provide you with relevant support to update your Training Plan.
Complete your upfront assessment
During the pre-enrolment process you’ll be asked to undertake an Upfront Assessment of Need (UAN). Your UAN is your first opportunity to get to know your trainer and to let them know about any needs you may have.
Make the most of your UAN
Your UAN is designed to give you what you need to complete your qualification so you can launch into your dream career. The UAN explores your unique abilities, and any hurdles you may face, to make sure that, wherever possible, you’re able to gain the qualification of your choice.
During completion of your UAN, you’ll get the opportunity to:
- make sure you’ve chosen your ideal course
- get prepared with the arrangements that suit you
- get support with reading, writing or maths
Finalise your Training Contract
Your training provider will notify Skills SA when an agreement has been reached between them, you and your employer.
At this point your Training Contract will be in place.