Make it work for you
What's in your Training Contract?
Your Training Contract is a legal agreement at the heart of your apprenticeship or traineeship.
The contract will include information such as:
- the name of your training provider
- the qualification you’re working towards
- any rules for the start of your training (probation)
- the hours you’re expected to train / work
- the length of your apprenticeship or traineeship
- any credit that will reduce the length of time you need to do the apprenticeship or traineeship
- details about the employment arrangements and industrial award
- any school-based arrangements that apply
Because it’s a legal document, it’s binding. This means the things agreed in this document need to be done by both you and your employer.
Your Training Contract is there to protect both you and your employer, making sure you both get what you agreed to.
Every Training Contract needs a plan
After your Training Contract is lodged the chosen training provider begins work on your Training Plan.
The Training Plan is negotiated between you, your employer and your training provider and will cover things like:
- the units you’ll do as part of your apprenticeship or traineeship, and
- where and when your training will happen — sometimes it will be on-the-job, other times off-the-job, or it can be a mix of both
Your training provider will notify Skills SA once you have a plan in place. They will also check in with you every six months to make sure that your training meets you and your employer's needs.
Reach out to your training provider if you have any questions about your plan or need additional support.
Have questions? Contact the Skills Infoline
Training Contracts can sometimes be complicated as they involve different levels of government, multiple organisations and people, and there are some strict rules you’ll need to follow.
This all adds up to it sometimes being tricky to know which options will best suit your situation.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and unsure which options are going to be right for you, we can help you navigate.