Discover the skills and training needed for this occupation
Geologists, Geophysicists and Hydrogeologists study the composition, structure and other physical attributes of the earth, locate and advise on the extraction of minerals, petroleum and ground water, and detect, monitor and forecast seismic, magnetic, electrical, thermal and oceanographic activity.
People employed in SAExplore by region
1-Year changeGrowth in previous years
5-Year changeGrowth in previous years
SA Future Demand:Strong
The skills that Geologists, Geophysicists and Hydrogeologists need
Learning new skills can certainly get you into a job quicker — but it’s not always about securing a job today. Each skill you build can be a stepping stone towards great opportunities in the future. Here are some skills needed for this occupation
- Reading
- Planning and organising
- Initiative and innovation
- Numeracy
- Digital engagement
- Writing
- Learning
- Problem solving
- Oral communication
Where are people currently employed?
Region | Employed | 1 Year Change | 5 Year Change |
RegionSouth Australia - South East | Employed18 | 1 Year Change29% | 5 Year Change20% |
RegionSouth Australia - Outback | Employed22 | 1 Year Change10% | 5 Year Change0% |
RegionBarossa - Yorke - Mid North | Employed10 | 1 Year Change0% | 5 Year Change0% |
RegionAdelaide - West | Employed66 | 1 Year Change35% | 5 Year Change32% |
RegionAdelaide - South | Employed350 | 1 Year Change21% | 5 Year Change19% |
RegionAdelaide - North | Employed69 | 1 Year Change28% | 5 Year Change25% |
RegionAdelaide - Central and Hills | Employed441 | 1 Year Change37% | 5 Year Change17% |
Data from Skills SA, and Jobs and Skills Australia | Skills SA |