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Defence and Space

Launch into expansive opportunity

The South Australian Government has set the goal of our state being ‘recognised as an international leader in the defence and space industries by 2030’.

Could our defence or space industries provide you with a fulfilling career pathway?

The landscape

Snapshot of a thriving sector


South Australia is well placed to continue to capture valuable investment opportunities in defence and space — from shipbuilding to cyber systems to science and research.

As set out on Defence SA’s website, the South Australia’s defence sector currently employs more than 14,000 people, with a further 10,000 jobs expected to be introduced in defence, plus thousands more in associated industries, over the next 20 years.

The highly publicised AUKUS partnership supports construction of the next generation of nuclear-powered submarines in Adelaide. This arrangement will significantly increase demand for a range of people with the right skills — many of which can be obtained through VET qualifications.

Up to 4,000 people will be employed to design and build the infrastructure for the Submarine Construction Yard in Osborne, South Australia. A further 4,000 to 5,500 direct shipyard jobs are expected to be created to build nuclear-powered submarines in South Australia when the program reaches its peak.


South Australia is home to the Australia’s Space Agency’s Headquarters and more than 100 space companies and organisations.

As the space industry expands, demand is expected to grow for workers with specialised skills and knowledge in areas such as satellite engineering, data analysis, and space technology.

Three arrows

Find your place

Take a deep dive into defence and space careers

Careers in defence and space are more than you think. You don’t need to be an astronaut or join the Defence Force to work in one of South Australia’s fastest growing industries. There are many pathways you can take to get the career you want in an industry you’ll love.


John's story

"I gained a lot of skills in a variety of different things... my maths skills have improved, hand-eye coordination. Working with welders you got to be quite steady.

I chose to be a Fabricator because it is something my Father did and I got a lot of inspiration from it and I enjoy doing it."

Two defence industry workers walking through BAE defence systems

Your career starts with you

To find occupations of interest, the best place to start is by asking yourself. What interests you or makes you curious? What are you good at? The answers to these questions can often uncover your best starting point.

Training that suits you

Explore hundreds of VET courses and training opportunities in South Australia across every industry with our course search tool.

Explore jobs in Defence and Space

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